The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!
The Jolley Odyssey Begins February 28, 2025!

A Family Travel Blog

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You’re mobile. So are we. 🚐

Welcome to the Jolley Odyssey!

  • Travel Stories: From breathtaking national parks to quirky roadside attractions, we’re documenting every stop on our journey.

  • Family Adventures: Tips and tricks for traveling with kids and keeping everyone entertained. 

  • Our Recommendations: Favorite campgrounds, must-see destinations, and the best eats along the way.

Whether you're a fellow road warrior or just here for the stories, we’re glad you’re along for the ride. Buckle up and explore the Jolley Odyssey with us!

Side Quest: Eight hidden Easter eggs await you on this website. Your mini odyssey!

My dad always said, "Don't let your schooling interfere with your education."  He usually said it with a slight smile.  Join us as our family of 5 hits the road to experience this for ourselves.  Our education for the next 6 months will be exploring the beauty, wonder, and diverse culture to be found in the United States of America (and a very small slice of Canada).  We will also get an education from life on the move, living in a 37 foot 5th wheel!  

We’re from Pullman, Washington—a charming college town surrounded by rolling wheat fields and garbanzo bean farms. As proud Washington State University football fans, if we see anyone in Coug gear we will give you a "Go Cougs!"

Home Base: Pullman, WA


About Us


We’re older parents who met later in life, so we had our kids later too. This sabbatical is our chance to spend quality time with them while we still have our youthful-ish vim and vigor! We're working from the road, doing school on the go, and savoring the time together without the usual distractions and major responsibilities.

Taking a Sabbatical

About Us

For the next six months, we’re roaming the U.S.! We’ll start in the southern states during the winter months and head north as spring and summer roll in. Our plan is simple: stay in one place for about three days, then move on to the next adventure.

Our Travel Plans

About Us


When we sat down as a family to brainstorm names for our blog, Dave (a.k.a. Dad) came up with "Jolley Odyssey."

The moment he said it, we knew it was perfect. The word "Odyssey" captures the HUGE adventure we’re about to embark on, and everyone loved it immediately. And just like that—the name stuck!

What's in a Blog Name?

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Lucky you! You found a secret joke:

Why do teenage girls travel in odd numbered groups?

Because they can't even.

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